Network Marketing Smart Card Order Form
Yearly Subscription - $125.00
One-time Setup Fee - $50.00
Formulario de pedido en español a continuación
Employee photo size:
No smaller than
130 pixels W X 170 pixels H
Please email the company logo, image for the bottom of the card and an employee photo to
Logo image size, no smaller than 315 pixels wide, height can vary. Image for the bottom image, no smaller than 315 pixels wide, height can vary on this image also.
Employee photo size, no smaller than 130 pixels wide X 170 pixels high.
Images can be jpeg, png, or tiff.
(If images are not emailed, we will pull them from your website and select the best option image for the bottom of the card. These can be changed in the approval stage.)
Logo size:
No smaller than
315 pixels W - height can vary
Bottom image size:
No smaller than
315 pixels W - height can vary