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Dedicated Servers

Data security is the #1 feature of our "Smart Cards" to protect customer information. We have extensive security in place for the protection of all information supplied by customers. The security features are designed for large European companies to host their database of employees as well as their customers whom they supply digital smart cards.

The dedicated servers can host as many portals (companies within the main company) that the customer needs to utilize to meet their needs and those of their customers. Example: ABC Bank is the main company and they can offer "Smart Cards" to their customers or sell them to make the "Smart Cards" a profit avenue.

Hosting & Development

  • The customer selects the hosting company, the server must be on a separate server it cannot be on the customer's server.

  • Marketing Opedia and Supadata will work with the customer to negotiate a monthly fixed fee or a fee per card depending on volume. (Volume fee is negotiated to maximum savings for the customer.)

  • Creating the digital "Smart Cards" on the dedicated server will allow the customer to brand the cards with their information.

  • Example:


Benefits To Customer

  • White label branding

  • Only designated employees and an account manager from Marketing Opedia will have access to the server

  • With substantial savings, customers are able to create their own Digital Smart Cards. Example: National Bank has 67,000 employees, and only 22,000 employees use paper business cards. The cost would average $80.00 per employee per year, averaging the bank $1,760,000.00 per year. Marketing Opedia charge would be $100,000.00 per month, totaling $1,200,000.00 per year. Saving the company $560,000.00 per year. The contract is for an unlimited number of cards. The bank could offer these to their customer as a service.

  • The platform is available in a number of countries. The security features are compliant with protection of information and accepted by legislation such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) in Europe as well as equivalent legislation in other countries.

  • SupaData/Marketing Opedia is an extremely powerful branding, marketing, and sales platform for the DSC holder and the company that employs them.

  • Environmentally friendly (no paper or ink)

  • The platform offers customers a point of difference from the competitors.

  • Streamline your customers' digital marketing reach

  • Multiple devices compatible, available 24/7/365

  • Simple sending/interaction text, email, airdrop, email signature, Whatsapp, social media, QR code, etc.

  • Valuable analytics. The analytic reports show the number of views each card has received, a comparison between the staff members (tools for performance management), what the customer is looking at (targeted marketing), the number of times customers save the DSC to contacts, and shared the DSC.

  • Improvement in google ranking and SEO

  • Supplements Staff performance management tool

  • Web-based, not an APP

  • Everything is in one place for you, your company, and your customers.

Dedicated Server Security

  • Managed AV defender installed

  • Updates every 2 hours

  • Server client firewall enabled

  • Patch management occurs weekly

  • Backup & authentication codes & signatures

  • 2 offsite cloud backups with encryption (AES-256 Bit Key Size)

  • Asset management & monitoring of servers available on request (Customer access to the portal)

  • Data retention & Data deletion

  • Backup data retention is 10 copies of backup

  • In the event of card deletion - all information & history is deleted permanently

  • Data is hosted in state of the art data centres utilizing good industry standards

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