Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a particular website by ensuring that the site appears high on the list of results returned by search engines. The digital SMART card helps to increase this with the ease of getting your information to potential customers.​
Monthly reports will show how your card is working to increase the SEO:
Number of times the card is opened
Number of times each button is opened
Number of times forwarded
Email that forwarded the card
Email that received the card
Number of times saved to contacts
Click on the Cowboy Cafe card to see how many times this card has been opened since Feb. 2021. The number above the image on the bottom of the cards is the total number of times it has been opened. (Feb. 2021 - June 2024 = 31,963 times. Average per month = 779)
The Cowboy Cafe uses the QR code from the card for all their printed material, ads, coasters, signage and other promotional items.